Monday, October 6, 2008

Livni Tells Kouchner: I Oppose Olmert's Peace Plan


"06/10/2008 Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told her French counterpart Bernard Kouchner that she opposes the agreement in principle that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has offered Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

"I do not believe in far-reaching proposals and an attempt to expedite matters, especially in light of the political situation," Livni, the prime minister-designate, told Kouchner on Sunday.

In the morning, Kouchner met with Olmert, who said he was frustrated that Abbas had not accepted his proposal. "You've read what I said in the interview," Olmert told Kouchner, referring to his statements in Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth favoring concessions. "Still, the Palestinians do not want to sign."......


Earlier Sunday, in her first foreign policy address since winning the Kadima party primary, Livni voiced her commitment to continue peace negotiations with the Palestinians.

"Annapolis will continue," Livni said, referring to a U.S.-sponsored peace conference last November that restarted negotiations on a Palestinian state.

"Let us not allow dates or political changes to stand in our way," she said, in her address to Foreign Ministry conference on policy and strategy in occupied Jerusalem......

"We are waiting to see who will be the next president, (Barack) Obama versus [John] McCain, and believe me there is a big difference between the two vis a vis the situation in the Middle East ... the Middle East peace process and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," Malki said [COMMENT: Dream on, stupid "Foreign Minister;" keep smoking that Annapolis Hashish].

"We hope that [Livni] will succeed [in forming a new government] because this will also show continuity and commitment to the peace process and to the negotiations [for] a Palestinian state," Malki said. [COMMENT: What else! The Palestinian "Foreign Minister" is cheering for the Mossad agent! What a travesty; bury that rotten PA now! Who needs it beside USrael??]

Commenting on a key issue that has blocked progress in Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, Malki described Israel's settlement activity in the West Bank as a "time-bomb."

But he said the Palestinian Authority remained committed to the talks as a "strategic choice" ........."

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