Monday, October 6, 2008

Talks with Taliban the only way forward in Afghanistan, says UK commander

• Britain urges allies to use diplomacy to end conflict
•There will be no decisive victory, says brigadier

Richard Norton-Taylor
The Guardian, Monday October 6 2008

"Britain is stepping up pressure for a political and diplomatic settlement to the conflict in Afghanistan, a move set in sharp relief yesterday by the commander of UK troops who warned that the war against the Taliban was not going to be won.

The message is being delivered with increasing urgency by British military commanders, diplomats and intelligence officers, to Nato allies and governments in the region, the Guardian has learned.......

Aid agencies say the Taliban and associated groups are controlling more territory and it is increasingly difficult to provide the population with their humanitarian needs, let alone physical security.

After months of indecision and attacking western diplomats and military officials for approaching Taliban forces and their local commanders, Karzai said last week he had asked the king of Saudi Arabia to mediate in negotiations."

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