Thursday, December 18, 2008

Israel hosts anti-Islam conference

From Khalid Amayreh in Occupied East Jerusalem

(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

"Israel on Sunday, 14 December, hosted a virulently anti-Islam conference in Jerusalem, with a number of fascist-minded speakers from Israel and abroad taking part in the one-day event.

The conference was addressed by notorious Islamophobes such as Daniel Pipes, Dutch Legislator Greet Wilders and right-wing Israeli lawmaker Aryeh Eldad.

Wilders, a self-confessed hater of Islam, praised Israel for holding the conference in occupied Jerusalem, saying that it was the time for such an event to take place in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe.

He added, however, that the “cost of security would be much higher in Holland than in Israel.”

After making characteristically venomous remarks about Islam, the Quran and Muslims,
Wilders received a standing ovation, reflecting growing fascist trends in Israel......"

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