Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mofaz: Israel should cut the heads of Hamas leaders

(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

"OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli transport minister Shaul Mofaz was quoted by the Hebrew radio on Wednesday as saying that Israel should cut off the heads of Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip.

He declared his backing to the return of policy of assassination against the Hamas leaders.

Mofaz previously served as war minister and is accused of numerous war crimes where many Palestinian women, children and elderly were killed on his orders in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, the Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas Movement, said on Wednesday that it was not rushing for truce with the "Zionist enemy" since the latter never abided by the calm agreement.

Abu Obaida, the armed wing's spokesman, told Qassam website that the current form of calm was not likely to be extended.

He said that his armed wing would resist any possible Israeli invasion of the Strip with all available means, warning the "Zionist enemy" that any military adventure into the Strip would be met with severe resistance."

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