Monday, March 16, 2009

Intifada: A third chapter

By Ramzy Baroud
Asia Times

"Israel's attack on Gaza is still fresh in the minds of Palestinians, though rumors of a third uprising abound in the face of mass arrests, extrajudicial executions, house demolitions and - perhaps the most contentious of all - increased settlement construction in the Occupied Territories......

......As for two generations of Palestinians who lived through the first and second Intifadas, scribing rebellious graffiti, hurling stones at occupying soldiers and refusing to buy the Israeli products that were imposed on them (while impeding the growth of Palestinian local industry) may not have unshackled a hostage nation.

Indeed, it may not in the future, but a third Intifada, in the eyes of many, could accomplish one vital task. It could provide the platform for the Palestinians to reclaim their unity (despite the prevailing factionalism of today) and declare that they will struggle until the day when they finally embrace freedom. If this is all that a third Intifada accomplishes, in the eyes of many Palestinians, then it is certainly a necessary and worthy endeavor. "

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