Monday, March 16, 2009

No recognition of the evil State

By Khalid Amayreh

"...In any case, Palestinians, especially the dignified amongst them who I believe constitute the majority, are not going to commit moral suicide, so that they may be recognized as “rehabilitated” by America. Indeed, if our legitimacy as a people depends on recognizing the murderous Israel and subsequently obtaining from America a certificate of good conduct, we will then prefer to remain “terrorist.”!!!

This is because evil must never be accepted as legitimate, and Israel is an intrinsically evil entity.....

To Arab despots

And now, a few words to Arab tyrants from Bahrain to Morocco who are trying to tell us that our enemy is Iran not Israel.

Well, when will you ever understand? Are you drunk? Are you stupid? Are you blind? Can’t you realize that your disgraceful embrace of the false American Qibla (1) is causing irreparable damage to the cause of Sunni Islam. Don’t your advisors and intelligence apparatuses and think tanks tell you that your continued whoring subservience to the American hubal (2) will make more and more Muslims and Arabs shun “the corrupt religion of the Sultan” in favor of truly dignified symbols of resistance, such as Hamas, Hizbullah and Iran....

Have you lost all semblance of national pride? Is clinging to power so paramount that you are willing to sacrifice anything and everything for it?

Surely, history will not be kind to you. History can’t be kind to people who don’t respect themselves and their peoples and countries. A leader, let alone an unelected leader, who doesn’t respect his own people, will not be respected, neither by friend nor by foe......."

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