Thursday, March 19, 2009

No pretences

Israel now has what is being called the most rightist government in its history

By Khaled Amayreh in occupied East Jerusalem
Al-Ahram Weekly

"......Al-Ahram Weekly asked veteran Israeli journalist Roni Shakeid why Netanyahu was allowing the extremist parties to hold him hostage to their whims and parochial political and ideological outlooks.

"Because he has no choice due to the indecisive outcome of the Israeli elections."

Shakeid said it was unlikely that the upcoming Netanyahu government would last for a long time. "All I can tell you is that there is going to be a lot of instability, a lot of crises and a lot of violence."

This means we are all going to have a turbulent summer, especially with a government staffed with certified war criminals such as Moshe Yaalon who thinks that the best way to make peace with the Palestinians is by killing them. Yaalon is most likely to become Israel's next defence minister."

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