Thursday, March 19, 2009

New US thinking

A Very Good Article
By Azmi Bishara
Al-Ahram Weekly

Note: An Arabic version of this article appeared on Al-Jazeera site, which was posted here.

"We had thought that the train of events from the Israeli invasion of Lebanon to its invasion of Gaza, the impression these events created in people's minds and the growing disillusionment with forces favouring the current settlement process offered sufficient inspiration and impetus to revise official Arab approaches to that process. However, one remains compelled to wonder just how prepared the forces opposed to this approach are to seize the historic opportunity to put an end to that process, rather than to succumb to the current drive to contain them. After all, the US and its allies in the East and West are haunted by this very spectre -- the fear of losing the settlement legacy -- for which reason they have been waging a sustained diplomatic assault on the region since the Sharm El-Sheikh conference on the reconstruction of Gaza......"

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