Sunday, April 26, 2009

Clinton pledges to keep troops in Iraq if violence escalates

Martin Chulov in Baghdad
The Observer, Sunday 26 April 2009

"The US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, made a surprise visit to Baghdad yesterday to reassure Iraqi leaders that the Obama White House would refrain from withdrawing its troops from urban areas if renewed violence continued to worsen.

Clinton's visit, her first since being appointed in January, followed a sharp surge in attacks over the past three days that left as many as 155 dead [COMMENT: Of Course this sudden surge in the killing of Shiites just before the surprise visit and just before this declaration of not withdrawing the occupation troops, was a pure coincidence and CIA and Mossad operatives had nothing to do with these horrific attacks. Call me a cynic if you wish, but the evidence is overwhelming!] and prompted fears that recent security gains could unravel....."

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