Sunday, April 26, 2009

Surprise, Surprise! What a Pure Coincidence!!

Clinton Pledges to Keep Troops in Iraq if Violence Escalates
Killings Show Iraq 'Going in the Right Direction'

"They say that every cloud has a silver lining, but in the case of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton it seems that every morgue full of dead Shi’ites has a silver lining. For while analysts watched the massive death toll of the attacks in the past two days with grave concerns about the ramifications, Secretary Clinton insists that the killings are a sign “that Iraq is going in the right direction.”.....

At the same time, the primary reason for the visit was to reassure Iraq’s leaders that if the violence continues to worsen, the Obama Administration will back off its already neutered pullout plan. It seems the plan to remove many of the troops by August, 2010, while leaving up to 50,000 in the nation indefinitely beyond that is in more doubt with each bombing.........."

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