Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Barak Threatens Lebanese: Don’t Vote for Hezbollah


"27/05/2009 Israel's concerns about Hezbollah winning in the upcoming parliamentary elections are on the rise as the Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak warned the Lebanese from the consequences of voting for the Islamic resistance and the Army chief Gabi Ashkenazi said there is a possibility that Lebanon “will fall to the radicals.”
Barak told reporters in Tel Aviv Tuesday that Israeli intelligence services expect a bolstering of Hezbollah’s power after the June 7 polls. "Today Hezbollah owns around a third of cabinet ministers. If Hezbollah wins the elections with a large margin, Lebanon will expose itself to the might of the Israeli army more than any time in the past," Barak warned ahead of his visit to Washington.

A possible Hezbollah win will give us the freedom of movement that we didn't have in July 2006,” he claimed......."

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