Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Man Who Murdered Count Folke Bernadotte

Israel's Terrorists


"....On May 21 the Daily Telegraph published the obituary of a man – no, not a man : a repulsive gobbet of contaminated carrion – called Yehoshua Zettler....it was he who planned and supervised the assassination of the United Nations mediator Count Folke Bernadotte on September 17, 1948. Bernadotte, a member of the Swedish royal family, was sent to the Middle East by the UN to mediate between Israelis and Arabs over the future of Palestine.....

Zettler was a fanatic, a base murderer, an unrepentant assassin, who after his disgusting crime lived peacefully and prosperously in Israel, respected and admired by Israelis and his many supporters in America. He was one of the new era’s first and most successful terrorists. Indeed, he promoted modern-day terrorism and was honoured for his murders. What an achievement. And what a commentary on the Zionists who spawned, endorsed and praised his odious bestiality.....

The obituary recorded that “Zettler never regretted his part in the murder [and said] “When we demonstrated in front of [Bernadotte] and told him ‘Go away from our Jerusalem, go back to Stockholm’, he did not respond. So we had no choice”.”Zettler had “no choice” but to murder a good and gracious man.....

Then Zettler joined in a massacre at the village of Deir Yassin, just outside Jerusalem. This atrocity, in which over 100 unarmed Arabs were murdered by members of Zettler’s Stern Gang and the Irgun Gang, led by Menachem Begin (who later became prime minister of Israel), has never received the condemnation that would have applied if Arabs had gone on a similar killing binge.

One Israeli witness stated that “[The attackers chose] to kill anybody they found alive as though every living thing in the village was the enemy and they could only think ‘kill them all.’.....And one of the killers, Ben Zion-Cohen of the Irgun gang, said simply that “We eliminated every Arab that came our way.”....

The vileness of Zettler’s massacre in Deir Yassin is only too similar to the acts of terror committed during Israel’s invasion and destruction of Gaza five months ago....

The UN’s full report on the atrocities in Gaza will never be made public. In any event the investigation was confined to investigating death and destruction at UN facilities and not the spectrum of kid-killing....

But it all goes to show that Israel hasn’t changed in sixty years. The psychotic Netanyahu, its new prime minister, has said he will continue to build illegal settlements, thus treating UN resolutions with the contempt for which he is well known.

And the US will continue to support him, nuclear bombs and all....."

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