Monday, June 8, 2009

Clinton Threatens to Attack Iran ‘The Way That We Did’ Iraq

Secretary of State Says US or "Some Other Enemy" May Launch First Strike Against Iran
"Citing the disastrous 2003 US invasion of Iraq as an example, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today warned that by continuing to refuse to abandon its civilian nuclear program, Iran was risking the possibility of an invasion by the US or “some other enemy that would do that to them.”
The comments came during an interview on ABC’s “This Week” program, and when asked by interviewer and former Clinton-era official George Stephanopoulus, Secretary Clinton reiterated “that’s right, as a first strike.”.....

Considering it was no more than 72 hours ago that President Obama made his historic call for a “new beginning to US relations with the Muslim world, it seems incredible that his administration is already raising the prospect of an Iraq-style invasion of Iran......"

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