Monday, June 8, 2009

Israel Cracks Down on Minority Rights

Analysis by Mel Frykberg

"RAMALLAH, Jun 8 (IPS) - Three bills recently making the rounds in the Israeli parliament have caused outrage amongst Israel's Arab minority.

"They reveal an obscene and dangerous targeting of the individual and collective rights of Palestinian citizens," the independent BADIL Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights in Israel said in a press release.

One bill sought to prohibit marking the day Israel declared its independence as a day of mourning. A second prohibits negating the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.

The third bill would have required Israeli citizens, including Arabs of Palestinian descent, to sign oaths of loyalty to the state, its flag and national anthem, and to perform military or civil service......

In an attempt to establish facts on the ground and make it harder for Jerusalem to be divided, Israeli has been carrying out a policy of Judaising East Jerusalem.

This has involved moving several hundred thousand Israeli settlers into the area illegally while accelerating the building of settlements there, despite numerous UN Security Council resolutions.

Simultaneously, Israel has limited Palestinian building in East Jerusalem by severely restricting the number of building permits issued, thereby creating a severe housing shortage and forcing many Palestinians to build without permits.

Consequently hundreds of buildings have been demolished, leaving many Palestinians homeless...."

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