Monday, June 1, 2009

Masri: Hamas is pressured to shelve the national dialog after Qalqilia crime. No Kidding? Let Us Not Rush to Such a Radical Step! Barf, Again!

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Mushir Al-Masri, a member of the Hamas parliamentary bloc, stated Monday that his Movement is pressured by many factions and national figures to suspend its national reconciliation talks [Man, such revolutionary zeal! Such leadership! Barf!]with Fatah after the assassination of two Qassam leaders at the hands of PA security elements in Qalqilia on Sunday.

In a statement to the Quds Press news agency MP Masri said that following the Qalqilia crime, Hamas was pressured not to participate in the national dialog unless all political prisoners were released from PA jails in the West Bank and all violations committed against its cadres and institutions stopped......"

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