Monday, June 1, 2009

Shedding our own blood to please Israel

By Khalid Amayreh in Ramallah

"....I have no doubt that the PA is completely responsible for the death of six Palestinians, all of them victims of Israeli oppression and criminality.....

Moreover, the rampancy of torture in PA jails and dungeons allowed no chance for a different outcome to this tragic episode. The two fighters apparently preferred to die rather than the prospect of being tortured and humiliated by those who have given up every shred of human decency in order to appease Gen. Keith Dayton....

Thus, instead of apologizing to the Palestinian people for the murderous episode and immediately sacking the officers who gave the orders to open fire on the two fighters, PA officials from bottom to top indulged in spreading disinformation thinking the hastily orchestrated lies would whitewash the crime and exonerate the PA before the Palestinian people.....

Then Abbas himself followed suit with his own fantastic narratives of the killings, saying that “we will confront with an iron fist all those who are trying to undermine our national gains.”

What national gains is this man talking about? Does he really think the West Bank is a liberated territory? Does he think that he and his Oslo charlatans really enjoy independence and sovereignty in Ramallah?.....

None the less, PA operatives are advised not to bask for too long in their ignorant illusion about the continuity of their ramshackle fiefdom.

The Palestinian masses know the truth too well. They see on a daily basis the futility of having a failed state apparatus functioning submissively under the sinister Israeli military occupation.

In the final analysis, the Palestinian people are not naïve. They bear the unbearable, but they never forget. Eventually, the winds of fury will smash the ranks of the traitors....."

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