Monday, July 6, 2009

The Honduran Drama

Never a dull moment

by Justin Raimondo, July 06, 2009

".....Since the Honduran constitution forbids a president from succeeding himself or herself, Zelaya’s name would not even be on the ballot in the November election. How, then, could he have extended his term? Answer: He couldn’t, and, furthermore, he had no intention of doing so.

What’s happening in this poverty-stricken Central American banana republic is a lot more complex than a mere attempt by a self-interested politician to stay in office. The country is beset by multiple crises, all too many of which can be traced directly back to its longtime ally and big brother, the U.S. government.

For decades, Washington nurtured the coup-happy Honduran military, training its officers at the notorious School of the Americas and – during the Reagan years – using the country as a base for operations against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government......"

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