Monday, July 6, 2009

PA uses foreign aid to scuttle human rights, civil liberties

By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

"On 11 June, members of the Palestinian security agencies detained Haitham Amr, a resident of the small village of Beit al-Rush, 25 kilometers south west of Hebron .

Two days later, Amr, 32 and father of three small children, was found dead in his cell at the Mukhabarat (General Intelligence) headquarters in downtown Hebron .

Amr apparently died after he was subjected to an unusually harsh session of torture resulting in a massive internal bleeding.

At first, PA security officials claimed that Amr had jumped from the second floor of the building in an attempt to escape. However, the claim seemed to have been totally concocted and contained no iota of truth.

The PA did carry out an autopsy on Amr’s body at al-Quds University Medical College immediately after his death. However, the forensic report has not been made public, despite the passage of nearly one month after the incident........

The western rationale for keeping the PA afloat, at least financially, is ostensibly to prepare for the creation of a Palestinian state.

However, it is obvious that the West is actually helping create a police state, and in the Palestinian case, a police state without a state, an entity that very much looks like a graveyard for human rights, civil liberties and simple human decency......"

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