Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Derek Graham in Ireland to get support for the next Free Gaza voyage in October.

Free Gaza Movement

".....Derek & Jenny Graham from Mayo, are here to get Irish support to bring in desperately needed rebuilding materials into the port of Gaza along with supplies for our partners in the Universities and schools as part of “Right to Read” campaign.

Derek was thrown in jail along with 20 others including Mairead Maguire as they tried to deliver building supplies and aid to civillians in Gaza who's homes, schools, hospitals were destroyed by the Israel at start of the year. Seven months later and families are still living on the rubble of their homes with no materials to fix the damage and the winter is now approaching.

It is crucial that we continue sending boats to Gaza to challenge Israel’s criminal closure on the Strip,” said Huwaida Arraf, delegation leader.'“Gaza does not need our charity but needs us to stand up against the forces that continue to deliberately deny an entire people their human rights. "

Even though Israel hijacked our boat, the Spirit of Humanity in international waters, we are not backing down......."

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