Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Embattled Hamas Shows its Moderate Face

Analysis by Mel Frykberg

"RAMALLAH, Aug 19 (IPS) - The Islamic resistance movement Hamas's rule of Gaza is facing protracted political and military opposition from within Gaza, other Palestinian territories and abroad.....

"This is not just a few disgruntled extremists but the tip of the iceberg, and a sign of growing extremism in Gaza which is only going to get worse," says Dr. Samir Awad from Birzeit University, near Ramallah.

"The Israelis have shot themselves in the foot with the crippling siege of Gaza," Awad tells IPS. "The suffering and hardship endured by Gazans has not moderated them politically. When people have lost everything and have no hope, they turn to revenge.

"In the future Israel will regret not negotiating with a more moderate Hamas government when these extremists strengthen their grip on power."

Israel helped nurture Hamas when the organisation was first established in 1987 as a bulwark against the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO).

When the PLO-affiliated PA came to power in 1994 following the Oslo Accords, Israel weakened it with military attacks and mass arrest campaigns. This in turn strengthened Hamas.......

Contributing to Hamas's fall in support has been the increasing abuse of human rights and the stifling of civil liberties.

Last month a prominent Hamas judge in Gaza said that from September all the territory's female lawyers would be required to cover their hair and wear long gowns under their billowing judicial gowns.

Hamas was also said to be formulating a moral code of conduct which would prevent gender mixing in large crowds in public places amongst other things.

"This was the opinion of one minister who had not consulted with the rest of the Hamas government. Most of us are against this and the matter is still being appraised," Dr Ahmed Yousef, political advisor to Haniyeh told IPS.

It would appear that Hamas's political survival is contingent on its ability to adapt to challenges on the ground and to be more flexible politically in regard to the international community and negotiations with the PA......."

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