Sunday, October 4, 2009

By Emad Hajjaj

My Translation:

This cartoon contrasts two events which took place on the same day.

One, the one-minute video supplied by Hamas proving that Shalit (captured IOF tank gunner) is alive. In return, 20 kidnapped Palestinian women were released from Israeli prisons.

The other event, was the treasonous decision by Abbas and the Ramallah gang when they prevented a vote in the Human Rights Council of the UN on adopting the Goldstone report on Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

One video was a proof of life, while the other was a 574-page report with proof of the wanton killing of over 1,400 Palestinians, mostly civilians, by the IOF. The PA played a central role in suppressing the clear evidence of wanton murder of the Palestinians by the IOF. The irony is that the PA claimed that the evidence of murder of the Palestinians was suppressed, "to further the peace process!"

The $ sign on the second CD is a reference to the Israeli and American threats that money flow which keeps the corrupt PA afloat, would be cut. Also Israel threatened that a telecommunication project in the West Bank (in which Abbas' own son is a principal) would be stopped unless the PA opposed the Goldstone report.

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