Sunday, October 4, 2009

when the PA collaborators overplayed their hands: Abu Mazen investigates

A Very Good Post
By Angry Arab

"This could be one of those watersheds. This could become the point at which the Palestinian (and Arab) peoples revolted against the betrayals by the PA leadership. They are in trouble: there is no question about that. I could tell that they are in trouble when I watched since last night when I returned Al-Arabiyya TV (the TV station of King Fahd's brother-in-law and which serves as the crowning outlet of the Saudi-Zionist conspiracy) trying so hard to save the PA gang from embarrassment and wrath. In every newscast since I returned, Muhammad Dahlan appears at the top of the hour with a somber face stressing that the Fath leadership has insisted on an investigation. But even the worst Palestinian ever, i.e. Dahlan, looked as comfortable as when mini-Hariri is asked questions about international or regional affairs. The reactions have grown: and I have received angry emails from Palestinians around the world. Even statements claiming to speak in the name of old or new factions of Fath have been produced. Al-Quds Al-`Arabi did express the sense of 0utrage out there in its front page story yesterday, and indicated that there is grumbling within Fath itself. The accusations and recriminations will begin: and Salam Fayyad will toss the ball to Abu Mazen, and the latter will do the same. It is not that this is the first betrayal by this PA collaborationist gang, but this extent of betrayal must have proven to be too much and has gone too far, even by moderate Palestinian and Arab standards. I mean, when the lousy secretary-general of the Arab Leaguge, `Amr Musa, says that it was mistake and that he felt nauseous it tells you that this is way too much of a betrayal even for regimes nourished and raised on betrayal and treason. The reaction by Palestinian leftists have been insufficient and lame: the PFLP and DFLP talk about it was if it was a technical mistake, or some unilateral decisions by a Palestinian diplomat in Geneval, while Mustafa Barughuti's Initiative's statement basically reacted as if this step occurred in a vacuum and as if this did not come as a logical outcome of a path taken since Oslo, and expedited since death of Arafat. And PFLP and DFLP make their lousy lame statements and then sit with Abu Mazen and Salam Fayyad, and all will be well when they receive checks from Abu Mazen, as constituent members of the PLO. Even the mouthpiece of Prince Salman, Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat (which like all Saudi media these days sing its own tune because there is no foreign policy unity among Saudi princes) headlined: "collapse in the Arab position." And this from a paper that has consistently--like all Saudi media--been downplaying and undercovering Israeli crimes. Even today, Al-Arabiyya devoted more time to saving the reputation (ill-repute?) of Muhammad Dahlan, than to shooting and beatings by Israeli occupation soldiers. But I noticed that other Saudi media are underplaying the story, and Al-Hayat (the mouthpiece of Prince Khalid bin Sultan) only talked about "anger" in Gaza, as if Palestinians everywhere have not expressed outrage. Elaph (the sleazy, soft-porn/politics website) is largely an outlet for Zionist Arab propaganda so you would know that it won't be a story there. But the unusual front page coverage by the mouthpiece of Prince Salman may indicate that the angry Prince Salman (who was passed over by King `Abdullah in the succession lineup) will fight against King `Abdullah. I also feel that AlJazeera is not playing up the story, as it usually does in Palestinian news stories. It is possible that Arab regimes feel that this could get out of hand. A line has been crossed by regimes and PA that cross lines daily, and according to the roles assigned to them by Israel and US. I always felt that Arab regimes and PA could crack if pushed by Israel and US to a certain point. But I have to remind myself (as Arafat did) that the Arab masses have a history of disappointing you when you expect them to react and to express legitimate outrage. I think that what struck a chord among the Palestinian and Arab people is that the story has all the ingredients of the complaints against PA: weakness, betrayal, deception, subservience, sneakiness, and financial corruption. The leak that this is related to some telecommunication contract that may benefit the corrupt son of Abu Mazen exposed what has been whispered about for years. And Abu Mazen's investigation will be the joke; remember what happened to the investigation that he ordered when Fath leader (and former PLC speaker) Rawhi Fattuh was caught smuggling thousands of cellphones in the trunk of his car. This Dahlan lackey was seen beaming during the Fath conference a few months ago. "

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