Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lebanon Celebrates Independence Day in a Military Parade


"Lebanon celebrates the 66th anniversary of Lebanon’s sovereignty today in a military parade on the Shafik Wazzan Boulevard in downtown Beirut, which was attended by President Michel Sleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Saad Hariri. A number of official and military figures were also in attendance at Sunday’s Independence Day event. Upon the president’s arrival, soldiers fired 21 welcoming shots in the air......"

Lest We Forget: This is the "Heroic" Lebanese Army

"....Who can forget the notorious Marjeyoun 'Tea Party' that took place when the resistance fighters bravely confronting Israeli aggressors in the July 2006 war against Lebanon?
Back then, the ruling bloc that was claiming "adherence to Lebanon's security and sovereignty," was not provoked by the footage of the infamous party whose hero, brigadier general Adnan Dawood, was honored after the war and promoted from colonel to Brigadier General 'because he prevented a massacre in the Marjeyoun barrack. Hospitable Dawood conferred honor upon the Israeli unit that occupied his barrack and ordered one of his soldiers to serve tea to its members....."

"Labanese army offers tea to Isreali Troops during war.

BEIRUT, Lebanon (CNN) -- A video showing Lebanese soldiers cordially offering Israeli troops glasses of tea during the military offensive earlier this month has hit Israeli and Hezbollah airwaves.

In the video, two Israeli tanks roll up to the gate of the Marjeyoun garrison, where a white surrender flag flutters outside the barracks.

Inside, Lebanese soldiers hold trays with glasses of tea, which they offer to the Israelis. The encounter appears merely social.

At one point in the video, Daoud and an Israeli soldier have the following exchange, as translated by CNN's Octavia Nasr:

Daoud: "Don't we need to tell our bosses?"

Israeli soldier: "Tell whoever you want."

Daoud: "We need to brief them on what happened."

Israeli soldier: "We briefed (U.S. President) Bush. You brief whoever you want."

Daoud: "We need to brief Bush too.""

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