Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Qandil: There Is an Arab Scheme to Liquidate Palestinian Issue


"16/02/2010 The famous Egyptian journalist Hamdi Qandil has warned Monday of a vicious scheme between the Arab regimes and the USA to liquidate the Palestinian issue and to pressure the Palestinian people into accepting the "lowest price", but he opined that the Palestinian resistance factions were the real barrier that blocks such conspiracy.

"During my meeting with many Arab officials, I felt there was an orientation from the Arab regimes that aims at liquidating the Palestinian issue and to pressure the Palestinian people into accepting "modest gains" to achieve the peace process in the region", Qandil pointed out in an interview with the PIC.

He also condemned the steel barrier that the Egyptian government is constructing along the borders with Gaza, describing it as part of the scheme to coerce Hamas into signing the Egyptian paper without further discussion although it is against the Movement's principles only for the satisfaction of the Israeli occupation.

"Indeed, we bow our heads down in shame of the regime’s building of a steel wall which has no aim but to help Israel tighten the grip on our Palestinian brothers in Gaza, and we should also bow our heads down in shame of Egypt's alliance with the USA that helps Israel with all its force," Qandil underlined.

Nevertheless, the journalist anticipated an Egyptian outrage if the Egyptian regime doesn’t cancel the idea of the wall, stressing, "I am sure that popular demonstrations would erupt around the Egyptian embassies in all Arab countries to condemn Egypt and the wall".

"Egypt has an ethical obligation to the Gaza Strip which was once under the Egyptian administration before the Israeli occupation troops captured it from Egypt in 1967… Gaza was an Egyptian province", he underscored.

He also deprecated the Arab media that, he said, reflect the political rift in the Arab world between the angry Arab public and the so-called "moderate regime", a term bestowed by the USA on certain Arab countries, including Egypt among other states.

He also criticized the way the Egyptian media deals with the Palestinian issue, particularly the siege on Gaza, explaining that the Egyptian media outlets had lost its prestige many years ago after they turned themselves into government tools go in harmony with the Egyptian official orientation.

He added that there were two kinds of media in Egypt, the first is the official media outlets that go in line with the hostile position of the government against the Gaza Strip, and the second one is the private media which is owned by businessmen and is subjected to extreme pressures.

He also made reference to the "satellite broadcasting paper" which has been adopted by Egypt and Saudi Arabia a few months ago in the Arab League with the aim of controlling the media."

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