Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sayyed Nasrallah: Nothing Will Be safe In Israel From Our Rockets If You Bomb Us


COMMENT: I will post the link to this important speech, as soon as it is available.
"....Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered a speech and paid tribute to the martyrs and their families.....

“This puts us in front of several questions and options. In Lebanon, we always go back to square one whenever there are threats and we do not make use of experiences…We always go back to the same questions; the same questions of 1982, before it, and after it. Questions like: Can the US protect Lebanon? Can it really? Obama failed to stop settlement building. Can international resolutions and the international community protect Lebanon? Can this community that only respects the strong protect Lebanon by being neutral? Can we persuade Israel through the international community to return the Shebaa Farms and the Palestinian refugees? We’ve read in today’s newspapers that (Avigdor) Lieberman says: Those who think that any settlement can make us return a meter of soil is mistaken. His deputy says: The return of Palestinian refugees is a red line. I find it very weird, brothers and sisters, that in Lebanon we even discuss self-evident truths…Everything indicates that in facing invaders and occupiers, survival is for the fittest. There is no place for the weak in these equations and principles. Only the strong can fulfill their goals. Can Lebanon be strong? Yes. We have proven that Lebanon was strong and today Lebanon is much stronger than ever. Lebanon is strong by means of the wonderful formula with which we face the many challenges: The army, the people, and the resistance; a formula adopted by the Lebanese government.”

Sayyed Nasrallah said that the positions of the President, the House Speaker, the Prime Minister, and the Army leadership clearly express national unity in the face of Israeli threats to Lebanon. “We are ready to discuss the notion of giving Israel pretexts to attack Lebanon but what’s more serious is what we’ve been hearing lately in Lebanon insinuating that the mere existence of the resistance is enough reason for the enemy to wage war, and to prevent this, the resistance should be eliminated. This is very dangerous because it gives Israel every reason to attack Lebanon. Unfortunately, some Lebanese are saying what the Israelis themselves are not saying. They are holding the resistance responsible in advance for any Israeli attack. Is this really a call for war? This is a justification that some Lebanese are giving to Israel to wage war.

More to follow..."

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