Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mahmoud al-Zahar: Qassams helping Israel. This Man is an Absolute, Fully Certified Idiot!

"Hamas strongman unsatisfied with renewed rocket fire, hinting it is aimed at undermining organization's rule in Gaza. 'We are aware of the fact that there are elements wishing to help the enemy divert the attention from what is happening in Jerusalem,' he says....."


His line is no different from that of the traitor Abbas. So, when Hamas stops the rockets, that is "resistance?"

Hamas wants calm so that it has a chance to impose its social agenda on the Palestinian society in Gaza. Such as regulating the dress code and preventing men and women from being seen together or preventing men from working in women's hair salons!


Now I see why Israel originally encouraged the emergence of Hamas when Gaza was controlled by Israel: Keep the Palestinian society backward and the people busy memorizing the Quran.

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