Sunday, March 21, 2010

Norman Finkelstein's Best Revenge

By Angry Arab

"Norman Finkelstein's enemies will suffer series of heart attacks when they read his latest book, which is not published yet. "This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion" (which will be out soon, but I read a pre-publication copy last night) is a powerful and devastating dissection of the Israeli war crime festival in Gaza. Norman is at his best, and he marshals all the facts and use them in a most effective way. It is a succinct summary of the Israeli methods of war and propaganda. The polemical skills of the authors are as sharp as ever. Now, Norman had warned me that I will not like the conclusions and he was right: I cant stand for the Gandhian methods of struggle: in fact, my reaction to the Gandhian methods of resistance as a recipe for Palestinian struggle is probably not different from Mrs. Gandhi's reaction to Mahatma's explanation to her regarding his methods of "testing" his chastity. I also bitterly oppose the two-state solution. But Norman is a special case: I am not normally tolerant of disagreements regarding Palestine, but the man has paid his dues and his services to the anti-Zionst, anti-Israeli cause have won him a special place in the struggle for Palestine."

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