Monday, April 19, 2010

Global Peace and Justice Groups Threaten Israel's Legitimacy

By Stephen Lendman
Palestine Chronicle

"Working pro bono for Israeli government agencies, the Tel Aviv-based Reut Institute (RI) provides "real-time strategic decision-making" support in areas of national security and socioeconomic policy.

Saying global peace and justice groups threaten Israel's legitimacy, its recent series of articles, policy papers, and presentations counterattacked - a combination of damage control and rethink despite legitimate criticism showing Israel delegitimizes itself, and no amount of policy paper makeover will change it. Only Israel can do that, but in its 62 year existence never tried.

In a January 28 brief, RI said Israel:

"face(s) a dramatic assault on the very legitimacy of its existence as a Jewish and democratic state. While the ideological framework for this delegitimacy was solidified after the first Durban" World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, "the trend (got) a boost by the perceived lack of (political) progress, coupled with Operation Cast Lead in Gaza," followed by the damning Goldstone Report.....

Relying on military force against threats is "out of date." A new focus is needed, including effective PR, and a restructured, better financed/staffed foreign affairs establishment to "wage a global campaign on the non-governmental level." Other militarily powerful nations have been toppled by effectively mobilized "political, diplomatic, and economic dynamics...." Israel must avoid that fate.

As a result, its "diplomacy and foreign policy doctrine requires urgent overhaul." PR and policy changes aren't enough. "Clearly, a credible and persistent commitment (for) peace and ending control over the Palestinian population, as well as....full integration and equality of Israel's Arab citizens, are essential for effectively battling Israel's delegitimization" - or at least the appearance in this direction.

"Synchronized victories" are needed militarily, politically, diplomatically, and in the media. "It takes a network to fight a network," and intelligence sabotage abroad to do it.

Human network power stems from their "hubs (and) catalysts:" the former in key areas like London, Paris, Toronto, Madrid, and San Francisco; the latter comprised of mobilized global peace and justice groups.

Strategy requires rebranding Israel and its adversaries, winning elite hearts and minds, and building influential networks, especially in key hub areas. Also, "engage the critics; isolate the delegitimizers." Mobilize Israeli NGOs to engage global ones, and Jewish/Israeli diaspora communities to lead by dealing with their local dynamics and respond appropriately.

Instead of recommending an equitable end to a 62 year conflict, RI advises sabotage and subterfuge against growing global forces it fears, ones effectively undermining Israel's legitimacy, so to prevail they must be subverted and stopped."

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