Monday, April 19, 2010

Populism, Left and Right

Why the establishment hates it

by Justin Raimondo, April 19, 2010

"......Our elites hate populism in all its forms simply because it threatens their power, their privileges, their pelf and their prestige: populism is by definition a revolt against the elites, in government and society. Worst of all, from a ruling class perspective, is populism of the "antigovernment" variety, because it threatens the source and symbol of their power: what Murray Rothbard called the Welfare-Warfare State.

The maintenance of this apparatus of power, both at home and abroad, in straitened economic circumstances, requires tightening the belts of ordinary citizens – while the elites, of course, continue to fatten at the public trough. With the worldwide economic downturn, they know their hegemony is at risk, and so they’re arming themselves, politically and legally, against the onslaught of popular rage they expect – and deserve. "

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