Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jerusalem's mayor denies building has been halted

By Catrina Stewart in Jerusalem
The Independent

Thursday, 29 April 2010

"Jerusalem's firebrand mayor has vowed to speed up Jewish construction in Arab-dominated East Jerusalem in comments that could undermine hopes of a long-awaited breakthrough in the peace process.

Speaking at an event in Washington, Mayor Nir Barkat took aim at the US administration, which has engaged in an intense round of diplomacy to persuade the Israelis to agree to a construction freeze to try to coax the Palestinians into peace talks, stalled now for more than a year.

Mr Barkat vigorously denied reports that the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has quietly instructed officials to halt construction in East Jerusalem while publicly announcing the opposite.

"The answer is no, a clear no," said Mr Barkat when asked if Israel would cease building in East Jerusalem until new talks are launched. "There is no freeze. It's not true."......"

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