Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Secret Iraqi government prison was 'worse than Abu Ghraib'

Inmates at covert jail suffered routine electric shocks and sexual abuse

By Kim Sengupta, Diplomatic Correspondent
The Independent
Thursday, 29 April 2010

"A secret Iraqi government prison, where detainees were subjected to horrific abuse and at least one died from his injuries, was described yesterday as being "worse than Abu Ghraib".

Its prisoners, who were mainly Sunni Arabs, included a wheelchair-bound British national. Freed captives told the New York-based organisation Human Rights Watch that they were raped, tortured with electric shocks and suffocated.....

....Mr Maliki is personally implicated in the row. Most of the Sunni detainees at Muthanna were from Nineveh province where the Prime Minister, who leads a Shia party, has been accused of carrying out a vendetta against people associated with Saddam's regime. The prison was under the control of the Baghdad Operations Command, a task force which answers to Mr Maliki.

Yesterday, he claimed the captives were persuaded to make false complaints by opposition politicians. "They had given themselves scars by rubbing matches on some of their body parts," he said. "These are lies, a smear campaign by some foreign embassies and the media. There are no secret prisons in Iraq at all."....."

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