Thursday, July 29, 2010

Saudi king kicks off 'Arab unity tour'

Press TV

"Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah visits Egypt on the first leg of a four-nation "Arab unity tour" that will focus on easing the recent tensions in Lebanon.

King Abdullah met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday in Cairo where the two leaders held talks on the Arab-Israeli peace process.

The monarch was scheduled to arrive in the Syrian capital, Damascus, on Thursday and meet President Bashar al-Assad on the second-leg of his tour that will also take him to Lebanon and Jordan.....

The Saudi king's tour comes at a time when the results of a UN tribunal's investigation into Hariri's murder -- expected to be announced by the end of the year -- have sparked a great deal of tensions in Lebanon.

The tense atmosphere is further soured by threats of a war against Lebanon by Israel, who has been accusing Lebanon's resistance movement, Hezbollah, of receiving weapons from Syria -- a claim also echoed by Washington......"


The bastard King is coordinating how to carry out Washington's orders to "restart the peace process" and to shift focus to the upcoming attack on Iran and Hizbullah.

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