Thursday, July 29, 2010

US-led soldiers feel free to kill Afghans

Interview with Gareth Porter
By Press TV

"The Wikileaks website has released over 90,000 classified records of military conduct in Afghanistan during the period 2004-09.

The documents point to abuses and cover-up by the US led forces. At the same time, the US general, Admiral Mike Mullen, nominated to lead the US Central Command, has warned that the US-led forces in Afghanistan are losing credibility....

Press TV has conducted an interview with historian and investigative journalist Gareth Porter in Washington to shed more light on the situation.

The following is the transcript of Press TV's interview.....

Porter: I think one of the themes these documents clearly reveals is the casual way the US, and the NATO forces as well, kill civilians not in a battlefield but in situations very far from the fighting. Most of the civilian casualties appeared to have been committed in cities where US soldiers are involved in traffic situations with buses and other automobiles. They seem to be feeling very free to kill civilians when it is convenient as opposed to when they present any sort of threat to the troops. This obviously indicates very clearly that the way the war has been practiced by the United States and NATO is one in which the lives of Afghans are simply not important."

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