Sunday, August 29, 2010

'Bullied' but not surrendering

By Lamis Andoni

"....In fact, the mere announcement that talks will resume has emboldened the Israeli prime minister to declare that settlement-building will continue and to demand Palestinian recognition of the Jewish character of the Israeli state as a precondition for any future agreement. So, at the same time that it has pressured the PA into dropping its preconditions for participating, the US has allowed Netanyahu to impose his on the whole process with impunity....

This is simply the old new story of the 'peace process' - which, since it started in 1993, has consolidated Israeli control over the Palestinians while brutally crushing their resistance.....

Responsibility for the decision to participate - despite overwhelming Palestinian opposition - must rest with the PA. But, it is important to recognise the growing American and Arab complicity in pushing the PA to surrender....

As one PLO official who asked not to be named told me: "We are not afraid of the outcome of the talks. There is nothing Abu Mazan (Abbas) would or could accept. But going to the talks has undermined our battle to isolate Israel."....

But a press conference held by opponents of the talks was interrupted by security forces, in a crackdown that has been widely criticised and interpreted as revealing the depth of the divisions generated by the decision to participate.....

With unconditional US support for Netanyahu's position, Palestinian hopes must lie in the failure of the talks, as 'success' would be equivalent to Palestinian surrender.

So while American bullying has succeeded in bringing a weakened Palestinian leadership to the negotiating table, it will not succeed in subduing the Palestinians who have shown in the past that they can lead their leadership into rebellion [COMMENT: WHEN THE PEOPLE LEAD, THE "LEADERS" FOLLOW!]."

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