Sunday, August 29, 2010

Seven Americans killed in Afghanistan

Press TV

"Separate Taliban attacks and bomb explosions have left seven American soldiers dead in Afghanistan's most volatile regions, NATO has reported.

Three soldiers were killed while they were fighting militants in two separate battles in eastern parts of Afghanistan on Saturday, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said in a statement.

Two other soldiers lost their lives in an improvised bomb attack in the country's south on the same day, while two more were killed in separate attacks in the south on Sunday, ISAF said.

The statements did not reveal the nationalities of the casualties but a military spokesman said that "all were Americans," AFP reported.

The latest deaths bring the toll among the US-led forces in Afghanistan to 472 so far this year.

The incidents come as the number of attacks against Western troops in Afghanistan has soared significantly in the past months amid a public outcry against the prolonged war. "

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