Monday, October 4, 2010

'Pakistan border closure very serious'

Interview with author and political analyst Dilip Hiro
Press TV

"Pakistan has blocked the main NATO supply route to Afghanistan, after a series of airstrikes by the US-led military in Afghanistan killed several people in Pakistan.

The United States has downplayed the closure of the crossing although 80 percent of the supplies are channeled through Pakistan. Some 150 trucks and tankers are stuck on the Afghan border.

Pakistan says the attacks are violating its sovereignty and for the first time it is taking firm action in protest.

A recent US report said over 200 unsanctioned attacks hit Pakistan in September alone killing some 120 people. That amount was the highest death toll for a single month on record. Washington insists the missile strikes target militants but Pakistan says most of the victims are civilians. Legal experts say the killings are in violation of the international law.

To shed more light on the issue Press TV has conducted an interview with defense and diplomacy analyst, Navid Ahmad in Islamabad, author and political analyst, Dilip Hiro in London and columnist in the Hill Newspaper, Brent Budowsky in Washington.

The following is the transcript of Mr. Hiro's remarks....."

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