Monday, October 4, 2010

Syria Issues Arrest Warrants in As-Sayyed Case


"04/10/2010 The repercussions of false witnesses’ case in the assassination of former premier Martyr Rafik Hariri are still coming to light with the Syrian judiciary issuing 33 arrest warrants against judges, officers, politicians and journalists of Lebanese, Arab and other nationalities, who are considered to be close to Prime Minister Saad Hariri.

The false witnesses’ case was brought by former Jamil As-Sayyed who in December 2009 filed a lawsuit in Damascus because he says he does not trust Lebanon's judiciary, which he has accused of supporting false witnesses. Syria issued the arrest warrants after repeated state summons for the people concerned went ignored.

The individuals whom As-Sayyed accused of being involved in a conspiracy of false testimonies against him include MP Marwan Hamade, State Prosecutor Saeed Mirza, Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi, Hariri's advisor Hani Hammoud; Former head of the UN International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC) Detlev Mehlis and his aide Gerhard Lehmann, Attorney General Judge Said Mirza, Judge Saqr Saqr, and witnesses Ibrahim Michel Jarjoura, Akram Shakib Murad, Mohammed Zuheir Siddiq and Abdul Baset Bani Audeh....

As-Sayyed along with 3 other Lebanese generals was detained from 2005 to 2009 without charges on suspicion of involvement in Martyr Hariri’s assassination but were released for “lack of evidence”."

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