Saturday, February 5, 2011

Egypt protests: Hillary Clinton signals US backing for Omar Suleiman

US secretary of state stresses need for orderly transition headed by vice-president

Julian Borger in Munich, Saturday 5 February 2011

"The US secretary of state Hillary Clinton today signalled how far the US has swung its support behind vice-president Omar Suleiman [Surprise, Surprise!]and the transition process he is leading in Egypt.

Clinton was speaking at a security conference in Munich today, where the watchword on Egypt was the need for orderly transition [ Code language for a silent military coup.].

In her most striking remarks, the US secretary of state said: "There are forces [Such as the vast majority of the Egyptian people?] at work in any society, particularly one that is facing these kind of challenges, that will try to derail or overtake the process to pursue their own agenda, which is why I think it's important to follow the transition process announced by the Egyptian government, actually headed by vice-president Omar Suleiman."

She was presumably referring ito Suleiman's leadership of the transition rather than the government, but US officials have told their European colleagues that they view Suleiman as increasingly in control [with the torture electrodes and a water boarding kit in his hands!] ....."

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