Saturday, February 5, 2011

Egypt protests: US resists calls to cut military aid

White House says suspension of $1.3bn in annual aid to Egypt would undermine push towards a post-Mubarak system

Ewen MacAskill in Washington, Friday 4 February 2011

"The Obama administration today resisted calls to cut its massive military aid to Egypt and is instead working behind the scenes with the commanders of the country's armed forces on how to oust President Hosni Mubarak.

The White House sees the Egyptian military as the key [Surprise, Surprise! You mean the Obama "man of the people" would be arranging for a military coup? I am shocked, just shocked!] to removing Mubarak, regarded as a necessary first step towards implementing substantive political and economic reforms. Cutting aid would risk alienating them.

The US defence secretary, Robert Gates, the chair of the joint chiefs of staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, and other senior Pentagon figures have been in regular contact with their Egyptian counterparts all week....

Mullen has been in contact with Lieutenant-General Sami Enan, a national hero in Egypt. Under one of the options being discussed between the US and the Egyptian military, Enan would lead the transitional process along with the new vice-president, Omar Suleiman, the former head of intelligence who is close to the military, as well as Tantawi.

The US vice-president, Joe Biden, spoke with Suleiman yesterday......"

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