Friday, March 18, 2011

Saif Gaddafi and the democracy project – audio

In a 2004 interview, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi says democracy in Libya is a personal project – it doesn't sound like the man urging a fight 'to the last bullet'

Brian Whitaker, Friday 18 March 2011

"As British and French war planes prepare to launch air strikes on Libya, another western military visit to the country comes to mind. In January 2004, a US navy plane made the first recorded visit by an American military aircraft since President Reagan ordered the bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi in 1986. This time, though, the plane was carrying six members of Congress on a goodwill mission and, along with several other British journalists, I was there to witness the event......

Looking back at Saif's words in 2004, it's difficult to imagine that this is the same person who was pictured recently waving a gun in Tripoli and urging the regime's supporters to fight until "the last bullet". What to make of it? I don't know...."

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