Friday, March 18, 2011

Yemen protest turns deadly

Thirty killed and scores wounded as government security forces open fire on anti-government protests in the capital.


"At least 30 people have been killed and scores wounded after Yemeni security forces opened fire on protesters at University square, in the capital Sanaa.

Security forces opened fire on Friday, in attempts to prevent protesters from marching out of the square where they were gathered, sources said. Medical sources said the death toll was likely to rise.

Pro-government "thugs" also opened fire on protesters from houses close to University square, witnesses told the AFP news agency.

Friday's attack came as tens of thousands gathered across the country, continuing to demand that president Ali Abdullah Saleh - the country's ruler of 32 years - step down.

Al Jazeera correspondents in Sanaa reported that many protesters were shot in the head and neck; most of the injured were shot with live ammunition.

Medics at a nearby medical centre told Al Jazeera almost 200 people were injured; many were in critical condition. One medic called the attack a "massacre". ...."

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