Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gadhafi’s Sons Have Eye on Seizing Power

Rebels Reject 'Solution' Involving Gadhafi Son Taking Power

By Jason Ditz

"Two of Moammar Gadhafi’s sons are said to be pushing a “solution” to the ongoing civil war that would allow the long-standing dictator to step down and be replaced by Saif al-Islam al-Gadhafi. The news came amid reports that one of Gadhafi’s overseas envoys was “testing the waters” for the idea among the Western nations currently bombing Libya, to see if the change in leadership would be enough to stop the bombs from falling. It is being sold to the West as a “respectful solution” for the aging dictator that would lead to the gradual introduction of democratic (??) reforms. There was no indication how soon any reforms would be introduced....."

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