Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Yemen: Stop Shooting Protesters

At Least Six, Possibly Ten (actually more than 19 by now) Killed After Security Forces Open Fire in Taizz

April 4, 2011

"(New York) - President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen should immediately order security forces to cease using unlawful lethal force against protesters, Human Rights Watch said today. At least six and possibly more than 10 people were killed on April 4, 2011, when security forces who report directly to Saleh's relatives opened fire on a largely peaceful anti-government protest in the highland city of Taizz. "For two months Yemen's security forces have shown a reckless disregard for protesters' lives, shooting and killing them with impunity during largely peaceful rallies," said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "President Saleh's calls to resolve the crisis mean little when his forces are firing on demonstrators." Human Rights Watch has documented repeated armed attacks by security forces and government supporters in civilian clothes on protesters who have been seeking Saleh's resignation since mid-February. At least 82 people have been killed and hundreds injured during the attacks, according to Human Rights Watch investigations......"

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