Friday, April 29, 2011

The More Things "Change,".....The More They Stay The Same! But Celebrate The "Unity" Anyway.

IDF, PA forces still coordinating despite Fatah-Hamas pact

Security cooperation between Israel and the PA has greatly increased over the past two years as the Palestinians have sought to block attempts by Hamas to gain influence in the West Bank.


"No decisions have been made by the Israel Defense Forces regarding any changes in security cooperation with Palestinian Authority security forces in the West Bank following the announcement of a reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. Contacts between IDF officers on the ground and their West Bank Palestinian counterparts are projecting business as usual.

Security cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which is led by Fatah, has greatly increased over the past two years as the Palestinians have sought to block attempts by Hamas to gain influence in the West Bank, following the group’s takeover of the Gaza Strip...."

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