Friday, April 29, 2011

UN: Rights Body Should Investigate Syrian Crackdown

Reject Syria’s Bid for Human Rights Council Seat

Human Rights Watch
April 29, 2011

"(Geneva) - The United Nations Human Rights Council should strongly condemn repression of peaceful protests in Syria and mount an investigation into recent violence, Human Rights Watch said. The council is meeting to discuss Syria on April 29, 2011, following a request for a special session by 16 council members, including the United States, South Korea, Mexico, Senegal, and Zambia.

The United States has put forward a draft resolution for the session that condemns the killing, arrest, and torture of peaceful protesters in Syria and calls for the establishment of an international commission of inquiry into abuses in the country.....

While suppressing protests at home, Syria is actively campaigning for a seat on the Human Rights Council, with elections to the body scheduled in the UN General Assembly on May 20.....

"Governments should tell Syria in no uncertain terms that its rampant abuses disqualify it from membership on the Human Rights Council," de Rivero said. "Syria's election bid discredits all those who support it, as well as the council itself."

Human Rights Watch has also called for urgent action by the Human Rights Council on the ongoing human rights crises in Bahrain and Yemen, which to date have not been addressed by the council."

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