Sunday, October 9, 2011

Army and police massacre protesters at Maspero

From Hossam El-Hamalawy


You have to see this video: The army's armored vehicles deliberately targeting and running down peaceful protesters. Just as they did during the days of the Pharaoh! It is even worse!

"The army and police committed a horrible massacre against peaceful protesters today in Maspero, Cairo. Army vehicles ran over protesters. Live ammunition was used. Extensive rounds of tear gas were fired, and showers of beatings from the military police and the central security forces. At least 19 people have been killed, and more than 150 injured. The toll keeps increasing.

The Army also stormed Al-Hurra TV station and 25 January TV stations, and took them off air. The Egyptian state run TV is inciting the public against the “Coptic protesters” and even called on the citizens to take to the streets to “protect the army”!! SCAF is trying to instigate a sectarian civil war.

The protesters are not only Copts. There are Muslims present in the protests too and are taking active part in resisting the police and the army. There are ongoing battles as I’m writing now. The unifying chants in downtown Cairo is against the army and field marshal Tantawi. Protesters are chanting: “Muslims and Christians… One hand!” and “Death to the Field Marshal.”

For continuous updates, please follow me on Twitter and follow the Revolutionary Socialists on Facebook."

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