Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cairo riots leave 24 dead

Military police blamed for using excessive force as protest march by Christians over church attack erupts into violence

Barry Neild and agencies, Sunday 9 October 2011

"At least 19 people have been killed and scores injured in Cairo after a protest over an attack on a church erupted into the worst violence since the 18-day uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak as president of Egypt in February.

Christians battled with military police, throwing rocks and petrol bombs and torching vehicles during clashes which saw the deployment of more than 1,000 security force personnel.

State television put the number injured in the violence at 150, saying that three of those killed were soldiers. Witnesses quoted by news agencies claimed several protesters had died when they were run over by a military vehicle [See video posted below.].

More than four vehicles were set ablaze and TV footage showed protesters breaking windows of parked cars and army personnel carriers driving full speed towards crowds.

The protests began as a march by Christians against an attack on a Coptic church last week that they blamed on Muslim extremists. The protesters insisted they had been planning a peaceful sit-in at a television studio but were set upon by thugs....."

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