Sunday, October 30, 2011

Current Al-Jazeera (Arabic) Online Poll

Do you agree with Bashar Assad that the protests in Syria represent struggle between Islamism and Arab Nationalism?

With over 2,000 responding, 86% said no.


That is a stupid statement by the bloody Rabbit! Does he think that someone like Azmi Bishara, who is a prominent intellectual, and a very strong opponent of the Syrian regime, is an Islamist?

The bankrupt Ba'th party which managed to establish two police states, one in Iraq and the other in Syria, and which fought each other, still thinks that it is the vanguard of Arab Nationalism? What a farce!

And look who are the main supporters of the Rabbit: The "Islamic Republic" of Iran and the Sectarian Hizbullah of Lebanon.

Can you make up your mind Mr. Rabbit?

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