Sunday, October 30, 2011

Will the Second Phase of Palestinian Prisoner Release Take Place?

Comment by Tony Sayegh

The short answer is no.

From the beginning, I was scratching my head and wondering why did Hamas accept such a phased release? Why over 500 Palestinian prisoners (who would be selected by Israel, and not specified by Hamas) would have to wait two months to be freed? And what incentive would Israel still have to release them after Hamas loses the only leverage it had which was the IOF prisoner of war it had?

Now we see at work how and why Israel will renege on the deal.

By attacking the fighters of Islamic Jihad and killing 9 of them in Gaza, Israel is putting in motion a process that will cancel that second half of the deal. Hamas is now in a fix: it wants to maintain the "calm" so that the second half of the deal would take place, but it is being upstaged by the response of Islamic Jihad which fired missiles that killed at least one Israeli.

The war criminal Netanyahu would not grant Hamas its wish of restoring the "calm" and has launched new aerial attacks on Gaza. He is even threatening a full-scale invasion of Gaza.

Under such conditions, kiss the second half of the deal goodbye, Hamas. This was a stupid mistake to trust in the "good will" of the Israelis and to take their word.

The only thing that would free more Palestinian prisoners is another Shalit.

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