Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Demos throughout Egypt in solidarity with Tahrir Square

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"Demonstrations erupted in several governorates on Tuesday against the bloodshed in Tahrir Square. Protesters also demanded the handover of power to a civilian authority, trials for those who killed protesters, the military’s return to the barracks, and the formation of a presidential council to rule the country during the transition period.

In Alexandria, protesters demanded the immediate resignation of the government, the formation of a national salvation government with real power, and the creation of a deadline for presidential elections no later than next April.

In Gharbiya, protesters clashed with security services and pelted the police station with stones and Molotov cocktails.

In Port Said, protesters called for toppling the military council, while in Aswan, residents staged protests in solidarity with Tahrir Square.

In Suez, 100 protesters were arrested for throwing stones at the security directorate, and 22 people were injured in the clashes.

In Fayoum, residents staged demonstrations, protesting a demonstrator’s death that resulted from tear gas.

And in Minya, protesters denounced the use of violence in Tahrir Square and demanded the resignation of Interior Minister Mansour Essawy."

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